Today was a super busy day, but no matter how busy it gets or how chaotic and loud it is, I always like to have music playing while I am in my kitchen. I decided to make my version of Market Street Meatloaf for dinner tonight. I probably make it every few weeks and it’s the most requested, outside of “French Dressing” Chicken. I don’t always have every ingredient, and really, it’s nothing like the original recipe at all, but a mirepoix that’s been sauteed and a splash of cream with ketchup, eggs and breadcrumbs is all that is really needed. I’ll toss in Cumin, Garlic, S&P and some other herbs I pull out of the freezer and voila! Dinner is served. It’s one of those meals I don’t have to plan or think about. And it was perfect for today.
It was kind of a tough day- I am feeling cranky- my daughter forgot her lunch on the kitchen counter and after walking down the block to the bus (while it was snowing and I was in essentially my pjs) and me sprinting home and back, I had missed her. Then the fridge was mysteriously set on 45 degrees- and the cream cheese was moldy. As was the broccoli I had planned to serve with dinner. Things were just not going well!
So I turned up the tunes and chopped veggies with my super sharp knife. It felt good and I was starting to feel better and soon I was singing. Then my daughter joined in and then my other daughter too and pretty soon we were all singing and having a great time. Even the little guy was dancing.
The stresses of the day soon melted away and I am glad it did. Laughing, singing and dancing with my kids was the best part of my day.
What was the best part of your day?
Here’s what was on in my kitchen…
When Eminem starts singing the kids all go “Here’s some rap words we don’t know” to the tune. It always makes me laugh. says
There’s nothing like tunes to get you going. I have to turn it up when I am going!
Found you via NaBloPoMo
Nicole says
I love music in the kitchen and I’m so glad your day improved! The best part of my day yesterday was walking with the dog around my neighborhood and realizing that overnight all the trees had turned into blazes of orange, red, and yellow. It was beautiful!