Today we started the grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. The grocery store was a little crowded, but not overwhelmingly so. We don’t have so many guests this year but it doesn’t really affect the menu that much. I think I will leave off just two items I usually made- the Cranberry Apple Crumble and (shudder) the Apple Pie. I know, I know, I really should make the Apple Pie. But three pies just seems like a bit of overkill- there will of course be a Pecan and a Pumpkin. Those are traditional to me. We will see how I feel as the week gets on.
Anyway, Thanksgiving snuck up on me this year. I am usually much better at planning and having my entire shopping list in place for one go. I just have been so busy and honestly, so tired lately that I completely waited until right before I went to make my full list- of which I still have a few items left to get this week.
I had grand plans of buying a farm fresh turkey but that didn’t happen. Then I thought I’d just pick up whatever the grocery store had on sale. But then when I got to the store I couldn’t bring myself to buy a bird that wasn’t at least organic. So I passed the $0.59 a pound ones in the freezer case opting instead for the $2.79 a pound organic Bell & Evans fresh turkeys in the refrigerator case. I spent my time going through each one and chose a nicely proportioned 15 pounder. Not too small and not too large. Of the organic brands, this seemed to be the best available. I haven’t had one of their turkeys before so I am curious how it will turn out. I do like their chickens so I am guessing it will be close to the same quality. I also love the fact that at 15 pounds, you are actually getting 15 pounds of bird and not an ounce of injected (mystery) liquid. I am perfectly capable of injecting it myself- and I will. Plus, I was thinking of brining it.
But here’s the conundrum- Do I use a dry brine or a wet one? I really have no idea at this point- but better figure it out quick!
What do you do? Any suggestions? Favorite recipes?